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Alphabeticon Box And Liners

We are playing the old idea that Divination should be a game of chance with mythic content.




Here's a Tarot Boxed Set that is NOTEBOOK-Size, built around a new Pocket-Size deck. .. .. It's a complete Traveling Fortuneteller set-up in a sturdy little box, .. .. Just what you need for shoving in a backpack when fleeing hotels. .. .. Expands to the exact size of 3 notebook pages, perfect for group reading parties in a roadside restaurant booth.

The Singing Fish Tarot Deck is also sold separately for much less money .... {-Here-}
The Singing Dice And Dart Board Set, an experimental item, is.. {-Here-}

!!CAUTION!! =>Not Published Yet<= >>It's open so YOU CAN ENJOY & GIVE FEEDBACK<< =>Most stuff is 99% finished, but the documents only aprox 83.561%<=

We're playing the old idea that divination's BEST done by a game of chance with mythic content and ritualized gestures.

>The gestures, called our “Standard Play” consist of:

#1: Ask the Oracle a sincere question in a proper manner, which includes a =>straight-faced<= tiny invocation of Odin's Immortal Left Eye. .. .. .. #2: Set out symbolic objects on a symbolic map. .. .. .. #3: Throw symbolic dice at them. .. .. .. #4: Interpret results, for which you get an adapted Tarot deck inside the box, .. .. .. PLUS:: Professional Tarot advice, both briefly in the box, and much more free download. .. .. BIG Plus:: Results resemble a quick reading jotted out by most any Tarot Reader, for which i offer an informative blog post.

>We also imagine our divination system's use in culture;

I think of it, in its time and place, as mostly a party game for making friends and seducing lovers. .. .. But then, considering the true seriousness of all that, also consulted in the most solemn manner, for the most solemn purposes, now and then, Obvioulsy great concern is given to group play, which consists of taking turns doing these very fast, often-valid readings, disciplined mainly by hunger for truth and social dynamics.

>Our MYTH is reconstructed by a historical novelist:
It's the Late Pleistocene!!, .. (That's the Late-Late-Late-Late STONE AGE.) .. .. It's an  old fashioned hick country close by the sane Mother worship folks Marija Gimbutas (a famous Feminist Archeologist) tells of, see.  Those sane people's SCREWY up-hill Old Country neighbors, they LOVED this myth we're using.
>This myth tells:

How the Pro-Human wizard Odin, .. (a bstrd of regular dieties on a naughty spree) .. He working with a Committee of Tired Women, .. .. brought the powers of Prayer and Prophecy to Humans. .. .. Remarkably similar to what Marija Gimbutas probably maybe would have guessed was up in the big hills, if she'd been a novelist.





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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date March 18, 2021
Edition First
Department Tarot and Oracles
Tags {{}}
More Info Alphabeticon Box And Liners web site

Why buy this?

  • You've NEVER seen anything like it before, in a small box.
  • Marija Gimbutas gets Love in the front page description.
  • Learn actual TAROT an Ancient Human way, thru play.


  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.


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