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Fortress Road

A game of luck and odds where you race your opponent to the fortress!




You and your opponent are racing to a fortress. You are each the same distance away from it. Press your luck to get there before your opponent does!


  1. Give 1 of each road to each player.
  2. Place the Fortress (mint tin) in the middle of the playing area.
  3. Place your roads in a row from you to the Fortress.
  4. Take a meeple and place it on the brick path on your closest road.
  5. Take 5 Positives and 1 Negative and shuffle them together to form a draw pile.



  1. On your turn, flip over your top card. 1a. If it's a positive, move your meeple ahead one space. Continue flipping or end your turn. 1b. If it's a negative, move your meeple backwards equal to the number of cards you've flipped this turn, minus 1. End your turn.

Example: You flip over 3 positives, followed by a negative. You move ahead a total of 3 spaces for the positives, then move backwards 3 spaces for the negative (4 cards flipped - 1 = 3).

  1. Your turn can end whenever you choose, unless you flip over a negative, in which case it ends immediately.
  2. Shuffle all your cards together for your next turn.



  1. The first person to get to the Fortress wins!


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date May 07, 2021
Edition First
Department Games
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Why buy this?

  • Press your luck!
  • Easy for little kids and grown-ups alike to learn!
  • Doesn't require a big play area!

New Empire Games!

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