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4D Illusion Chess

Chess that simulates the 4th dimension




4D Illusion Chess allows you to play chess on a illusion-like board with rules that simulate being able to play in the 4th dimension: pieces can occupy 2 squares on the board simultaneously.

NOTE: BOARD ONLY - Pieces not included. You will need to provide your own pieces or purchase some of my Double Sided Chess Discs. 2 full sets may be needed. The smallest square size is 3mm x 3mm.

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The rules are the same as regular chess except for these changes. The object of the game is to capture your opponent’s king, there is no check or checkmate. Layout the board longways between the two players. Each space on the board is considered a square, regardless of its perceived shape. On your 2nd row setup 9 pawns like so. On your first-row setup: rook, knight, bishop, king, bishop, knight, rook. On your bottom-most bonus square, place your queen.

Squares along the edge of the board are not diagonally connected to each other. Squares inside the board are only diagonally connected to the corners of adjacent squares that are not orthogonally adjacent to it. In certain locations, this results in preventing further diagonal movement in a specific direction, while in other cases, it allows for multiple diagonal movement options.

Movement across multiple squares must always be in a straight continuous line, though the perception of that line may curve. A straight line is considered moving across a square to the opposite line, or corner, from where you entered. Moves strung together this way are considered straight, though they may curve across the board.

Colored squares are grouped into sets of 9, with each set having a matching-colored set on the other side of the board, making a pair. Each colored set is conjoined with its pair so that the 2 sets are considered a single set of 9 squares. Any piece to occupy a colored square actually occupies both colored squares in the same set simultaneously. Use the board markers to identify the correct orientation of the sets and add an extra identical piece marker to the square of the other set to indicate this.

A piece beginning its turn on a colored square, can move from either of its conjoined locations on the board. In a single move, a piece may travel through colored squares like it traditionally would, or, it may travel through a colored square’s conjoined location and continue in the same relative direction it was traveling. You may not perform an infinite move nor return to the space that you started on. When a piece on a colored square is captured, remove both copies of it from the board.

Pawns always move orthogonally forward towards their opponent’s side of the board. If a diagonal space is directly in front of it, then it may travel to either of the 2 orthogonally forward spaces or capture forward, right, or left. En passant is allowed like normal. Pawns promote like normal when reaching any of their opponent’s higher rank starting positions.

Castling is allowed like normal by moving the king 2 spaces towards the rook, then the rook to the other side. You may castle even if your king is threatened, and you may castle through a threatened space. Kings may move to a threatened space. The first player to capture their opponent’s king, wins.


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date April 21, 2023
Edition First
Department Games
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Why buy this?

  • Illusion board shape
  • Fun colors and Rules
  • Support Triple S Games YouTube Channel


  • This game does not come in a box.


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