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1982: A killer is making teens worship death with his "backmasking" vinyl. Stop him!




It is the early 1980's. Three teenagers were found dead in very unusual and similar circumstances. What appeared to be suicides had a twisted link of all three victims accusing a certain "Morlobe", enticing them to commit their deeds. Yet no record of this Morlobe could be found; nowhere except within the tome collection of Harold Kay, P.I.. That is, Psy-Eye; Paranormal Investigator...and something supernatural was a foot.

Morlobe, an demonic entity, which induces hypnotic suggestions of malice, has found a way to incorporate his voice onto vinyl albums as they are being pressed. His messages are in reverse of the normal record play, but those who listen can't help but be beckoned to his call. This style of suggestion is known as "backmasking". Those under the sway or Morlobe either end up killing themselves, others, or other...and then themselves. Once the person has acted out his or her diabolic scheme, Morlobe’s hypnotic incantation dissipates from the record, as if it were never there. Even more sadly, no one knows which band or on what album Morlobe’s voice will appear.

Harold Kay is on the case to find Morlobe and end his ethereal reign of terror. However, along they way, he must do what he can to try and stop any others from end their lives, or another's life, including his own.

~One player plays the character of Harold Kay, Psi-Eye.
~The rest of the other players (3-to-8), play teenagers/victims.
~The goal is for Harold Kay to stop Morlobe before he kills all the other players.
~If all players die, Morlobe wins.
~If either Harold makes it to the end of his Gumshoe Walk OR if the remaining players survive their hypnosis rolls and don't fall under the sway of Morlobe, they game is over and they all win.
~Competition is only against the roll of the dice, not other players.
~This is more of a "team effort" game, as opposed to everyone against everyone else: You either ALL win or you ALL loose.
~No one plays Morlobe...he is an ethereal demonic spirit.


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Average Rating 1 reviews
Publish Date February 28, 2015
Edition First
Department Games
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  • Supernatural
  • Retro
  • Thriller


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