showcase backdrop
Disturblings logo
Disturblings logo


Fight off the disturbing creatures scampering towards you while handcuffed to an injured sheriff.




New-Header.png sample.png Untitled-3.png Shop-Page-2.png Updated-Shop-Page.png

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MICRO DISTURBLINGS is a standalone game that plays nearly identical to its larger counterpart while taking up a fraction of the table.

With 12 new Enemy cards, 8 new Ammo cards, 6 new Item cards, 1 new Incubator card, and 1 new BONUS Dead End compatible card, Micro Disturblings also doubles as an expansion to Disturblings and introduces a thematic level of difficulty!


The DISTURBLINGS quad-fold board is NOT needed, but sure is snazzy! Designed to be used with Disturblings and Micro Disturblings, you can get so much awesomeness all in one place!


These bonus cards come with DISTURBLINGS. Mix them with your copy of Dead End & its Deadly Expansion to add to the already awesome experience!

Shop-Backdrop.png Dead End

Deadly-Expansion-Shop-Backdrop.png Dead End: Deadly Expansion

Click here to see all Dead End compatible cards.

NOTE from Designer/Illustrator

Hi fellow gamers!

My name is Curry. For better or worse, I design and illustrate my own games. I do so because I enjoy everything about the process (except marketing!).

While I know the "professionals" out there could step my designs up, I am thoroughly proud of them. There is no A.I. or outsourced anything in my games (aside from The Game Crafter manufacturing them), which is to say that while my games may, at time, feel small, I have put hundreds/thousands of hours into them. You may not always like my "gruesome" content (which I tone down), but I hope that you can at least appreciate that I'm putting my best effort into creating what our community loves: Board games!

Follow me on INSTAGRAM @CuRillaGames and FACEBOOK.


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date May 08, 2024
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}
More Info Disturblings web site

Why buy this?

Disturblings delivers simple yet fun gameplay. The rules are straightforward, and the choices at your disposal will have you wanting to play another game. I highly recommend!

  • Subjectively adorable art.
  • Easy to setup, learn, and play.
  • High replayability for a disturbingly affordable cost.


  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.
  • This game contains a premium upgrade where the printed components will be embossed with a linen texture.


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