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Elevation of Privilege

Examine your Security as a team with this gaming tool.




Elevation of Privilege (EoP) is the easy way to get started threat modeling, which is a core component of the design phase in the Microsoft Security Development Lifecycle (SDL).

The EoP card game helps clarify the details of threat modeling and examines possible threats to software and computer systems.

The EoP game focuses on the following threats:

  Information Disclosure
  Denial of Service
  Elevation of Privilege

EoP uses a simple point system that allows you to challenge other developers and become your opponent's biggest threat.

Developed by Microsoft and Published under a
CC BY 3.0 Deed | Attribution 3.0 Unported
| Creative Commons

No scorepad is included, buy a score available at Elevation of Privilege Scorepad or downloading the scoring sheet is recommended.


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Average Rating 2 reviews
Publish Date August 07, 2015
Edition TheGameCrafter Edition
Department Games
Tags {{}}
More Info Elevation of Privilege web site

Why buy this?

  • Model Threats
  • learn about the STRIDE system
  • Earn points as you poke holes in your software's security

Unlimited Media Works

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