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GAMOT: Deluxe Edition

A DELUXE EDITION celebrating the 5th Anniversary of the on-the-go dungeon crawler!




“Before you looms the most feared dungeon in all the land. It is called the GAMOT. Within the Gamot lie dangers untold, for no hero has ever returned from its depths. However, you are determined to conquer it. As you steel your nerves against the growing dread, you hear the sound of hoof beats behind you. Your horse has fled in fear… You are truly alone now.

You step into the entrance of the Gamot, but as you do the floor gives way and you find yourself falling into darkness. You hit the ground below with a hard thud. Taking a moment to regain your bearings, you rise to your feet. You are in a maze of doors - your sword and shield are nowhere to be found. A haunting laugh echoes from deep within the dungeon. The only thing that stands between you and the horrors that await you is your will to live and your desire to prove yourself the greatest hero in the land…

Will you survive the Gamot?

Gamot is a solitaire dungeon crawling card game. As you attempt to navigate the perils of the dungeon, you will search for weapons, potions and artifacts in which to defend yourself, while fighting fearsome monsters. No two games are ever the same!

GAMOT: Deluxe Edition features upgraded fully illustrated cards by original GAMOT artist Marissa Kirby, provides 21 wooden blood drop tokens to track your health and also includes the 18-card expansion pack GAMOT: Den of the Hydra. These cards add new challenges to the game while helping you mitigate the increased difficulty with new and powerful weapons and artifacts. GAMOT: Deluxe Edition also provides a fully colored tuck box to carry your game and a reworked, fully printed Rules sheet.

  • Arm yourself with swords, shields and warhammers, or locate powerful weapons such as the Golden Trident!
  • Use special items like the Magic Ring to rearrange the shape of the dungeon or the Crystal Ball to see what lies ahead!
  • Choose wisely when to face a threat head on and when to run!
  • Fight werewolves, sorceresses, great worms and the dreaded and deadly lich! Battle against the regenerating Hydra!
  • Search the halls of the dungeons for potions to heal your wounds - but beware! Supplies are limited and Dire Rats can poison them!

Gamot has a small footprint, plays as quickly as you can make decisions and can be carried in your pocket. It comes with a deck of 72 cards, 21 health tokens and a rules sheet. Check out the original GAMOT for a more cost effective and travel-friendly version of the game (GAMOT: Den of the Hydra sold seperately).

Gamot is easily learned, but tough to master. Gamot is also family-friendly, and requires only basic math skills to get started.


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date July 01, 2021
Edition Deluxe
Department Games
Tags {{}}

Why buy this?

  • Plays in 10-15 minutes or less!
  • Fits in your pocket for on-the-go gaming!
  • Easy to learn, tough to master!


  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.


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