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Happy Daggers

The Shakespearean Game of Dramatic Swordfighting




William Shakespeare is widely considered one of the greatest writers in the English language. However, anyone who's been forced to see a Shakespeare play can tell you that it's three hours of boring dialogue and a cool swordfight at the end. Why not skip straight to the good part?

Happy Daggers is a game of proper dramatic swordfighting where Shakespeare's heroes and villains (okay, three morally ambiguous characters and one really angry guy) duel to the death. Select a repertoire of sword moves, push your opponent into a wall, and unleash your wrath!

Illustrations by Iris Jay!


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date November 19, 2015
Edition First Folio
Department Games
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More Info Happy Daggers web site

Why buy this?

"If you are into English Literature and appreciate a good dose of sarcasm mixed in with the works of one of the most iconic playwrights to ever live, then you will love this game."

  • Gameplay that feels like a swordfight on stage!
  • Create your own unique strategy using the Repertoire system!
  • Thrust, dodge, parry, and corner your opponent!

Phantom Knight Games

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