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Infinite Spread Creator

Create your one personalized custom tarot spreads. Or random ones! Nothing to remember!




There are so very many interesting tarot card spreads. It's impossible to keep track of new ones. It's fun and sometimes therapeutic to create ones of your own.

This is where the Infinite Spread Creator comes in. In 80 cards there are worlds of possibilities. I think one of the best ways to utilize this deck is to draw cards for questions just like you would draw cards for a reading.

It works just fine with your favorite deck but I think it's especially useful when paired with the Tarot Unlocked deck as shown in the pictures. Because you very clearly have the questions laid out with the tarot cards with the interpretations written right on them, it's helpful to learners, new readers, and folks who may have memory or cognitive issues.

May you get the answers you seek.



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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date March 13, 2023
Edition First
Department Tarot and Oracles
Tags {{}}
More Info Infinite Spread Creator web site

Why buy this?

  • Draw a spread to ask what questions to ask! It’s next level!
  • Knowing what questions to ask is the first step!
  • Infinitely customizable. Infinitely randomizable.


  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.


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