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Interstellar Landing Party logo

Interstellar Landing Party

Plan the greatest party in the galaxy. The only thing not guaranteed is the atmosphere.





It was supposed to be a routine reconnaissance mission when the crew landed on Stargell VII. Everything was going well until a band of inhabitants attacked, killing several and wounding scores more. The crew might have seen it coming if they weren’t so stressed out due to the poorly planned and even more poorly attended landing party. I mean seriously, who serves quinoa and has a magician for entertainment? While the crew tried to overcome the events of the mission, the Chief Party Officer was ejected from the ship.

The ship now has an opening for a new Chief Party Officer. Do you have what it takes to get the job? Add events, invite guests, and promote the fun to try to throw the most off the chain party in the universe. Beware the party fowl. They may look cute but will cause your events to quickly fall flat. Throw the best party and the job will be yours.

Players take on the role of a candidate to be the next Chief Party Officer. Play bonus cards face-down in front of you as locations you are hyping for the party. These cards give you points per meeplenaut on them. Play landing party cards face-up to the party and add your crew to the board. The landing part cards give points to the player with the most meeplenauts. Party Fowl will ruin you score. Total up you points from your bonus card and from the landing party cards. Highest point total wins.

Game Components



Each player takes a turn that involves 5 actions. Two of them are optional. At the end of your turn play passes to the next player to your left.

1. {Optional} Play a card facedown in front of you to be counted as a bonus card at the end of the game.

2. {Optional} Play an action card.

3. Play a card to the party.

4. Place meeplenauts and party fowl.

5. Draw back up to 4 cards.

At any time a player may flip up one of their bonus cards to discard their hand and draw back up to 4 cards.


The Key Rule

"Use the Fours"

  • You may only have up to 4 bonus cards in front of you.
  • You may only have up to 4 landing party cards in your hand.
  • The maximum number of meeplenauts you can place on your turn is 4.
  • The maximum number of party fowl you can place on your turn is 4.


Bonus Scoring

Count the meeplenauts on cards in the party for every matching bonus card you have in front of you. Score 1 point for every one of your meeplenauts on the card and 2 points for every other players’ meeplenauts on the card. If you have multiple of the same card, score the total multiple times. Ignore party fowl for bonus scoring.

Card Scoring

Score points for cards played to the party. Collect the scoring bonus listed on the card if you have the most meeplenauts there. If there’s a tie for most, all tied players get the points. Party fowl on a card will deduct 1 point per party fowl. Points scored on a card cannot go below 0.


How to Play

Tabletop Simulator


[Steam Workshop::Interstellar Landing Party Landing Party on TTS)

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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date October 09, 2021
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}

Why buy this?

  • Accessible area control space!
  • Place cards to grow the party and add hidden goals.
  • You want meeples? Includes 72 custom meeples & 30 roosters.


  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.
  • This game contains a premium upgrade where the printed components will be embossed with a linen texture.


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