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Napoleonic Wars Playing Cards

This Napoleonic Wars themed card deck features rich, full color artwork of soldiers and leaders




This Napoleonic Wars themed card deck has unique, full color artwork on every card. Each soldier or leader is drawn with historically accurate uniforms, perfectly capturing the flash and spectacle of Napoleonic armies.

This attention to detail and aesthetic appeal makes Napoleonic Wars Playing Cards a perfect purchase or gift for all. Wargamers will enjoy the deck for quick rounds of card games between battles, and will find the comprehensive uniforms of the soldiers an excellent resource for painting. Historians and history buffs will enjoy the chance to trump Archduke Charles with Czar Alexander I or complete a set of Foot Guards. For regular gamers, the lively colors and interesting soldier types will do an excellent job of spicing up poker night.

The suits in this deck each represent different armies- Spades for Austria, Clubs for Russia, Hearts for Britain, and Diamonds for France.

Likewise, each number represents a type of soldier or leader:
Aces represent colors
2s represent militia troops
3s represent basic line infantry
4s represent skirmishers
5s represent heavy or melee oriented infantry
6s represent elite infantry, or foot guards
7s represent light cavalry
8s represent medium or lighter heavy cavalry
9s represent true heavy cavalry
10s represent elite cavalry, or horse guards
Jacks represent marshals or elite generals
Queens represent queens and empresses
Kings represent kings and emperors

A full list of cards is available below.

Clubs (Russia)
Ace: Colors
2: Opelchenie
3: Musketeer
4: Jaeger
5: Grenadier
6: Pavlov Lifeguard
7: Cossack
8: Dragoon
9: Cuirassier
10: Chevalier-Garde
Jack: Marshal Barclay de Tolly
Queen: Czarina Elizabeth
King: Czar Alexander I

Diamonds (France)
Ace: Colors
2: National Guard
3: Fusilier
4: Voltigeur
5: Grenadier
6: Old Guard
7: Chasseur à Cheval
8: Dragoon
9: Cuirassier
10: Carabinier
Jack: Marshal Ney
Queen: Empress Josephine
King: Emperor Napoleon I

Hearts (Britain)
Ace: Colors
2: Fencible
3: Redcoat
4: Rifleman
5: Highlander
6: Coldstream Guard
7: Light Dragoon
8: Dragoon
9: Life Guard
10: Royal Horse Guard
Jack: Duke of Wellington
Queen: Queen Charlotte
King: King George III

Spades (Austria)
Ace: Colors
2: Landwehr
3: German Fusilier
4: Windbüchse Jäger
5: German Grenadier
6: Hungarian Grenadier
7: Hussar
8: Chevauxléger
9: Cuirassier
10: Kaiser Franz Cuirassier
Jack: Archduke Charles
Queen: Empress Maria
King: Emperor Francis I

Jokers: Deserters


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Average Rating 2 reviews
Publish Date October 16, 2015
Edition First
Department Playing Cards
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Why buy this?

  • Features unique, full color art on every card
  • Soldiers are drawn in historically accurate uniforms
  • Deck shows 52 different Napoleonic troops and leaders

Tricycle Playing Cards

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