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Paperbag Dungeon

Paperbag Dungeon is a tile-laying dungeon builder.




Today's your lucky day.

All those years shoveling the royal latrines have finally paid off. You've been promoted to head janitor to the palace dungeon.

20-60 minutes

1-2 players

Paperbag Dungeon is a 49 card solitaire, tile-laying dungeon builder, with elements of "tower defense," hidden puzzles, and resource management.

Each turn you will choose a card to add to your dungeon. Build carefully because one wrong tunnel could let in monsters that have the ability to dig through walls, open doors and crash your Dungeon Gate.

2021 Solitaire Print and Play Contest #1 Best New Artist #2 Best Art #6 Best Theme

Note: Jan 2022 we're switching to the new Game Crafter Hook boxes to add an interior reference card. See photos at the bottom of the page.

Thanks to Solo McLaughlin for this excellent playthrough of the original print and play game.

Thanks to The Dungeon Dive for this review and rules explanaiton.


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Average Rating 9 reviews
Publish Date December 15, 2021
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}
More Info Paperbag Dungeon web site

Why buy this?

"Cute little hand-drawn illustrations..."

  • "Tower defense" mechanics with randomized monsters.
  • Flip cards to upgrade defenses and mine gems.
  • Map building, hidden pictures, and logic puzzles.


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