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Deluxe Tarot

Designed by the team behind the alluring and classy illustrations of Christopher Zisi’s crime novels




Creators Unite’s Deluxe Tarot is inspired by the Oracle of Belline, a French divinatory game created by the Magus Edmond in 1845. The deck has 53 cards: 7 cards for each of the 7 astrological planets: the Sun, the Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Saturn.

INTERACTIVE BOOKLET Available in Digital & Print Formats via @issuu creatorsunite Publisher Publications - Issuu
& @peecho DELUXE TAROT Booklet

Le Deluxe Tarot de Creators Unite est inspiré du tarot de Belline créé par le célèbre mage Jules Charles Ernest Billaud mort en 1881. Disciple de la grande voyante Mademoiselle Lenormand, Billaud fut l’un des plus grands médiums de l'époque. Il avait comme consultants Napoléon III, et Alexandre Dumas. Tout comme l’Oracle de Belline, le Deluxe Tarot est un jeu divinatoire composé de 53 cartes, réparties en 7 familles symbolisant les sept planètes fondamentales : le Soleil, la Lune, Mercure, Vénus, Mars, Jupiter, et Saturne.

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sur @issuu creatorsunite Publisher Publications - Issuu Manuel Papier Disponible sur @peecho



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Average Rating 2 reviews
Publish Date October 12, 2022
Edition First
Department Games
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More Info Deluxe Tarot web site

Why buy this?

  • The Deluxe Tarot is inspired by the famous Oracle of Belline
  • The Deluxe Tarot is a modern sexy funny inspiring card game
  • Each card has a basic meaning + a few more secondary meaning

Creators Unite's Games

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  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.


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