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Win the favour of the gods in an attempt to eradicate the cultures of your neighbouring societies.




Petition four fantasy gods, or act as a godless heathen, to dominate the cultures of your neighbouring societies. Rally support from your citizens. Go to battle. Don't stop until you have eradicated all cultures but your own.

Petition uses a unique bidding mechanic to appeal to the gods: when a player bids for a god's blessing, others may challenge the petition with an offering of their own. Each bid is a combination of prayer beads and cards, so when the bids are revealed, the gods weigh faith against action, and favour the player who has demonstrated the best mix of each.

This is a 2 to 6 player game, with a bonus solo game mod.

Game play requires 20-30 tokens. You can use your own tokens (or beads or coins or anything!) or you can purchase the Petition prayer bead pack separately for $2.99


Sample play:


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date October 29, 2018
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}

Why buy this?

  • Fantasy battles!
  • Bid for the favour of 4 gods, or act as a godless heathen.
  • Imperialistic fun for the whole family!

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