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Pro Football Now! logo

Pro Football Now!

The Best Football Card Game on the Planet!




PRO FOOTBALL NOW! is an action-packed football game consisting of a 54 card poker deck that has all the strategy and excitement of pro football. Do you want to have an potent air attack on offense? A punishing blitzing defense? With PRO FOOTBALL NOW! you call the plays. You have 17 Offensive plays that cover the gamut of pro football offenses, including the Flea Flicker, Corner Fade Route, and Hail Mary, and Audible Cards which allow you to change your play at the line of scrimmage. When you are on offense, there are 8 Defensive alignments that your opponent will select from, and 28 Action Cards for kickoffs, interceptions, penalties, punt returns and more! If it can happen in pro football, it can happen in PRO FOOTBALL NOW! This game is based on the latest pro football statistics and the outcomes for each play are realistic. For 2-4 players (4 if each team has an Offensive and Defensive Coordinator). Ages 9 to adult. 60-90 minute play time. Free Field and Scoreboard are downloadable at when you purchase this game.


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date October 04, 2020
Edition First
Department Games
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Why buy this?

  • All the Excitement and Strategy of Pro Football!
  • Based on the Latest Pro Football Statistics!
  • It's Loaded with the 'Fun Factor'!

L&J Game Design

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  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.


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