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Sirian Star Cards - By Solreta Antaria

Sirian Star Cards




These Sirian Star Cards created and design by Solreta Antaria, help to tap into higher messages of wisdom, bringing forth Sirian energies (From the star system Sirius), for healing and guidance.

Internationally renowned, natural born Psychic/Clairvoyant. Solreta has always been aware of other multidimensional realities. She is a ET/UFO Experiencer, even capturing some experiences on camera. Today she helps many people connect with their Soul Mission, working with Psychic Readings & Kinesiology to Quantum Jump her clients to be a better version of self.

With 25yrs experience in natural medicine. Solreta holds an Adv Dip in Health Sciences. Having a passion for Superfoods, Plant Based Diet’s, Bio-Hacking & Neuro plasticity. She is an Author, Teacher and YouTube Channel Host. Solreta currently lives in Melbourne, Australia, working Internationally online

Solreta Antaria - International Psychic, Clairvoyant and Tarot Reader


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Average Rating 2 reviews
Publish Date January 05, 2015
Edition First
Department Tarot and Oracles
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More Info Sirian Star Cards - By Solreta Antaria web site

Why buy this?

  • Tap into your own intuition
  • Receive messages from the universe
  • Connect to your higher self


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