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A visual interpretation of a verse from each Torah parasha




Hi. I’m Steve Silbert. I’m an author, illustrator, game creator, grandpa, Agile Coach, and proud member of Bayit: Building Jewish.

The Torah is an amazing text bursting with visual metaphors. Every tiny detail of the Torah has significance and multiple meanings that can only be found by looking at Torah through a figurative microscope. I struggle with Torah, so my passion has become to distill the multi-faceted complexity of Torah into simple images from my heart.

This deck contains a card for each Torah portion (parasha) containing a single verse on one side and an image of my interpreation of that verse on the other side.

  • Put them in Torah order as a learning / teaching tool
  • Keep them in your Tallis bag for a little extra inspiration
  • Give a card to friends and strangers alike
  • Give them as a gift
  • Use them as a personal study or meditation aid
  • Use them as conversation starter at Shabbat dinner

It is my honor to share this work with you. @SteveSilbert

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Component Quantity Photo
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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date October 30, 2022
Edition 1
Department Games
Tags {{}}

Why buy this?

  • Find ameditative focus for each week
  • Pull a random card for inspiration
  • Swag for your tallis bag


  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.
  • This game does not come in a box.


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