"When writing and artwork come together, it creates a kind... of magic."
WAGON Webcomic Batle: the collectible cardgame is proud to present the second deck in our newest version of the game: The Mystic Deck.
Pitch webcomic content from across the internet against each other in a no-holds-barred battle of supremacy! Send your characters into the fray, augment their powers with a vast array of Plot Devices, and take out your opponent's Comic Panels before you're left in the eraser dust.
The Mystic Deck contains 50 cards: 18 Characters, 16 Plot Devices, 1 Boosted Character, and 15 Bandwidth energy cards. 1 Deck per player required.
Rules to play are available for FREE on our website! Head on over to www.wagonwebcomicbattle.com to find out more.