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Gamehole Gauntlet


This contest is complete, and the winner has been chosen.

{{entries.objects.length}} Entries

Game Ad Game Name Crafter Point Votes Status
{{}} Winner! Finalist Semi-Finalist

Contest start date: {{wing.format_datetime(}}

The Challenge

There are 3 doors before you. Each most likely leads to your peril. However, for the bravest and most talented among you, it will lead to glory! Choose a door. Choose wisely.

Door 1. Design a board game that is styled as an RPG style adventure. The setting doesn’t matter. It could be science fiction, fantasy, post apocalypse, or a world you create. But it must feel like a mission that the players either work separately or co-operatively to complete.

Door 2. Design a game making extensive use of The Game Crafter’s (any small punchouts. You must use at least 5 different small punchouts (different sizes count as different types). The punchouts may include new small punchout types that are introduced during the contest. The good news is that all of our punchouts are mix and match on a single sheet, so they won't add to your cost significantly.

Door 3. Design a co-operative game with a traitor element. That is to say, all of the characters in the game think they are working together, but secretly one or more of the players has his or her own agenda.

Bonus points if your game is able to use all 3 doors!

All of the following rules must be followed to the letter:

  • Your game must use at least one of the following:
    1. An RPG adventure mission.
    2. Use at least 5 chit types (any small punchout counts as a chit for this purpose).
    3. A co-op game with a traitor mechanic.
  • All games must be submitted through The Game Crafter’s game editor (by clicking on the “Contests” button) no later than August 29th, 2016 at Noon UTC (6am US Central).
  • These are Designer Awards, not publisher awards. This means that the actual designer must submit the games and the awards will go to the designers.
  • All submissions must be original and previously unpublished works, and they cannot have existed on The Game Crafter prior to the start of the contest.
  • In the event of co-authorship, the physical award ("The Rodney") will be inscribed with up to two designer names.
  • The game must be publish ready for our shop. That means it must have a logo, backdrop, shop ad, action shots, description, and cool factors filled out in the game editor. And all images must be proofed.
  • Any artwork included in the game must be your own, commissioned by you, licensed to you, or in the public domain.
  • Contestants are welcome to submit multiple entries to this contest. Each entry will be judged separately.
  • You are welcome to use any printed components or game pieces in our shop to create your game.
  • Your game cannot exceed a total cost of $39.99. 
  • You must upload a publicly accessible copy of your rules as a downloadable PDF. In addition, you must include a printed copy of the rules in your game.
  • Your game must include packaging. Any of our boxes will do.

Round 1 Judging

Your games will be vetted through The Game Crafter’s community voting process. This will require some crafter points to vote. The voting process will narrow the list of entries to 20 semi-finalists.

Round 1 Prizes

A sanity test performed by The Game Crafter’s Sanity Testing staff. This is a $30 value for each test, or $600 in prizes. In addition, if you pass the sanity test you’ll earn a sanity test accolade.

Round 2 Judging

Our Round 1 Prizes will also turn out to be our Round 2 Judges. The games will be ranked according to the scores they achieve in their sanity test (we'll be ignoring the video part of the Sanity Test scores). The top 5 games will become the finalists. Their games will be printed and moved on to Round 3.

Round 2 Prizes

The finalists will be played by The Game Crafter owners and those to be found worthy will get a coveted Staff Pick accolade!

Round 3 Judging

As stated the prize for round 2 is a chance at a Staff Pick, but The Game Crafter owners will also be the judges for Round 3! They will be judging your games on the following criteria:

Artwork 1 point for appeal 1 point for how well it presents the theme of your game
Rules Clarity 1 point for setup instructions 1 point for game play instructions 1 point for auxiliary items such as examples, FAQs, back story, etc
Originality and Creativity 1 point if we feel we haven't played this game before 1 point if we think you merged theme and mechanics in interesting new ways
Engagement 1 point for being able to get into the game quickly 1 point for feeling little or no downtime during the game 1 point for desire to play the game again
Bonus 1 point if you were able to merge all 3 criteria for this contest into a single game

Each judge will add their criteria from the above chart, and your scores will be averaged to determine a winner.

Round 3 Prizes

Rodney Statue

The winner will receive the following prizes:

  • $100 cash
  • a hand crafted Rodney award created by Albion Swords with the designer's name inscribed on it ✠
  • 100,000 crafter points
  • $50 in shop credit
  • a fully printed copy of the game ✠
  • a free slot at the Gamehole Demo Row
  • game designer will be inducted into The Game Crafter's Hall of Fame

✠ The announcement of the winner will be made during Gamehole Con. While you need not be present to win, you will need to be present to collect these prizes.

What are the Rodneys?

Great question. They are the name for our just launched Gamehole Con game design award.  If you look at any of our annual logos, you will see an armored fellow squaring off against some foe.  At Gamehole Con command central, we have always called that guy, Sir Rodney.  So, that will be the name of our game design awards.

You also get this logo to put on your game as the winner.

Contest start date: {{wing.format_datetime(}}

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