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Five classic strategy games that everyone can play.




What is an abstrategy game?

Abstrategy is a portmanteau of the words abstract and strategy.

An abstract strategy game is pure strategy, meaning all of the information required to play and win the game is visible to both players. No cards are used to obscure information from the opponent. No random elements or dice rolling are present. Additionally, many abstract strategy games cannot produce a draw.

Another trait of abstract strategy games is that the best ones are effortless to pick up. With only a few simple rules, these are games that can literally be played right out of the box. Additionally, this category of games offers high replayability, which, in turn, means good value.

If you have an eager, imaginative mind, or if you want to improve your cognitive abilities (and who doesn't!), the Abstrategy collection is exactly what you've been looking for. Five astonishing strategy games that will tickle your lobes and provide years of fun for you and yours.

NOTE: If you would like to save $15, order Abstrategy without a box HERE.


Cam is a streamlined version of George Parker's first hit game, Camelot. Cam is easy to pick up (it features lively and surprising jump-and-capture play) and sessions are brisk. Parker's idea was to create a game easier to play than chess but more interesting than checkers. Thus, Cam will become an instant favorite around your table!

Note: you can purchase Cam separately HERE.


Hex is a connection game for two players. Can you build a bridge between opposite sides of the board while your opponent attempts to build across the other two sides? As its name implies, Hex is played on a hex grid, offering six different movement directions rather than just four. Hex was invented by Piet Hein and independently by John Nash.

This set contains both John Nash's version of the game, played on a 14x14 hex grid, and Piet Hein's preferred 11x11 grid.

Note: you can purchase Hex separately HERE.


Surakarta was named after the temple-strewn Javanese city, and its origins can be found there. An age-old abstract strategy game, it is considered a classic along with checkers, Go, backgammon and Mancala. Surakarta is effortless to learn, with only two rules! The object is to capture the opponent's pieces with surprising loop attacks.

Note: you can purchase Surakarta separately HERE.

Triple Threat

This game is traditionally known around the world as Mill, Mills, Merels, Merelles, Merrills, Morels, Nine Men's Morris and Morabaraba. It is one of the oldest board games (dating back to ancient Rome at least) and is said to be the best of the so called row-of-three games. The children's pencil and paper game Tic-Tac-Toe is the common example of this type.

Two Triple Threat boards are included to accommodate the basic 9 piece game as well as its 6 and 12 piece variants.

Three Musketeers

Three Musketeers is notable for being included in Sid Sackson's classic book Gamut of Games and for being an example of asymmetric conflict. The game is played on a board with twenty five squares and twenty five pieces. Twenty two represent Cardinal Richelieu's guardsmen. The three remaining pieces represent the famous Three Musketeers.

Abstrategy is a Mystery Kitchen/Let's Play Games production.

Please note that Game Crafter automatically chooses the name of the designer. Games included in this set are traditional games with designers listed as applicable. The Mystery Kitchen and Let's Play Games merely gave these venerable classics a freshening up.


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date June 02, 2020
Edition First
Department Games
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Why buy this?

  • Five classic games in one box!
  • $10/game is a great deal!
  • Easy to pick up. Challenging to master.


  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.
  • This game contains a premium upgrade where the printed components will be embossed with a linen texture.


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