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Beards and Booty

Press-your-luck print-and-play pirate dice-rolling with a twist!




Battle to become the most legendary pirate captain in this swashbuckling dice-combat adventure! Comes with a competitive mode, a solo mode, and a co-op mode.

Set sail on the treacherous seas and step into the boots of a legendary pirate captain, battling your rivals and competing to be the last pirate standing!

Beards and Booty is a print-at-home, dice combat game for 1-4 players. All you need to play is five 6-sided, dice and 2 tokens (or cubes) per player to track your reputation and gold.

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Roll the dice to match powerful patterns that let you unleash damage upon your rivals, heal your wounds, and collect treasure.

Each pirate captain has different sets of lucky numbers to match, along with unique abilities. Spend your gold pieces to activate these special skills to help shift the game's tide in your favor.

Will you outwit and out-roll your opponents to claim the title of the fiercest pirate on the seven seas?

Co-Op Variant

Don’t want to worry about being attacked by your fellow pirates? In this family-friendly variant, the pirates have all pointed their swords at a common enemy. Plundering other ships will have to wait.

Solo Mode Variant

Are you the only pirate around? The solo mode is essentially the semi co-op mode, just by yourself. There’s no other players to hurt so all your attacks will always be done against the Creature. Win by defeating the Creature before they defeat you.

Boss Encounters

The Kraken

The Kraken is a fearsome tentacled foe that wraps itself around pirate ships to send them down to Davy Jones' locker. The Kraken will try to destroy your ship as well as your companion’s vessels while spilling gold and treasure all over the sea floor.

Gameplay wise, The Kraken is a straightforward balanced enemy perfect for players trying out the co-op/solo modes for the first time. It does an even mix of targeted damage to a single player, shared damage to all players, and will make you drop your gold to hinder you from using your skills.

Sea Witch

The Sea Witch wields powerful magic and specializes in wreaking havoc on your entire fleet. She favors casting a wide net of magical destruction, dealing shared damage to all players rather than targeting individual pirate ships. Face her if you dare, but be warned: The Sea Witch does not take kindly to intruders of her watery domain.

Davy Jones

Unlike other pirates who lust for gold, Davy Jones desires only one thing: to drag your ship and soul into a watery grave. Commanding a ghostly crew, this spectral terror seeks to claim more souls for his infamous locker. In combat, he focuses on dealing as much damage as possible to sink foes quickly. Challenge him if you must, but remember, it's not just your ship at stake, but your very soul.

IMPORTANT: the instant downloadable files are in English only. After purchasing, if you'd like the files in another available language (Catalan, Dutch, French, German, Hindi, Italian, or Spanish), please message and I'll manually send them to you =)


Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date November 12, 2024
Edition Definitive
Department Games
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More Info Beards and Booty web site

Why buy this?

"It's a fun, family-friendly filler-length dice chucker!"

  • Compete, cooperate, or play solo!
  • Each pirate captain has different sets of lucky numbers.
  • Roll your dice, match lucky numbers for special abilities.


  • This game does not come in a box.


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