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Black Fantasy Tarot

a hand-drawn tarot deck of mythical creatures




The Black Fantasy Tarot deck is the product of nearly three years' worth of artwork. It is a traditional deck of 22 major arcana cards and 58 minors, with the suits Daggers, Cups, Wands and Pentacles, although here Daggers are 'aligned' with fire and Wands with air, so the corresponding meanings and symbols have been switched. There are no humans in this deck - all characters are animals echoing the meanings of the cards through their myths, if legendary, or their behaviour and actions if real.

All cards feature full and detailed ballpoint pen drawings with a handwritten name or number.

Note: I may get round to writing a booklet of meanings and things in the future..... for now, Tarot Card Meanings at Aeclectic Tarot [] is what I have based the designs on, although as mentioned swords and wands have been switched.

Also, please do visit the blog blackfantasytarot [] - this is where I'll be posting the card interpretations as I write them!


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date January 23, 2012
Edition First
Department Tarot and Oracles
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More Info Black Fantasy Tarot web site

Why buy this?

  • Unique ballpoint pen style
  • Great original art
  • A full deck of 78 cards


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