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Manage your body's machinery in an extraordinary quest for health on a deserted tropical island.




Our bodies are utterly complex machines; from the control center to the waste disposal network, all systems unite to keep us going. We seldom give this much thought as we merely have to provide fuel and comforts. That, however, is about to change.

Last night during a frightening storm at sea, our boat washed up on a deserted tropical island. Chances for survival are slim. Our food supplies will last only one day, and the island crawls with danger. We must collect system parts, conquer obstacles, answer wisely, and keep close tabs on our Health chips and Calories. In the end, the castaway with the best health will be victorious.

Complexity is an award-winning educational board game that offers a unique window into the fascinating machinery of life. Though the content may be challenging, the gameplay is easy and engaging. Color-coded body systems, mnemonic clues, physical challenges, and thought-provoking questions all contribute to an unforgettable and fun-filled journey.

While winning is a delightful reward, the real prize is a deeper understanding of how your incredible body functions. This board game will lay a foundation (mind map) for future anatomy and physiology studies and impact your choices regarding diet, fitness, and health. But regardless of whether you need inspiration or soaring test scores, a grand adventure awaits when you embark on the curious Health Quest of Complexity. Wise castaways, however, may first play the Body System Battles to learn the lay of the land.

Visit TechnoNature for educational information and free printable student worksheets. Complexity has already earned the Academics Choice Mind Spring Award as well as a Gold award at the 2019 Serious Play Conference for excellence.


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Average Rating 4 reviews
Publish Date November 09, 2018
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}

Why buy this?

Some educational games suffer from minimal mechanics, but Complexity has solid gameplay stemming from chance cards, as well as competitive strategy to claim body systems that will intrigue even ..."

  • Requires strategy, wit, and luck; knowledge may be helpful.
  • Causes lasting insight into body system operations.
  • Easy-to-play, intriguing game mechanics, loads of fun.


  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.
  • This game contains a premium upgrade where the printed components will be embossed with a linen texture.
  • This game contains laser cut components. Laser cut items will have a slight amount of soot around the edges, which can easily be wiped off; and will have a campfire smell for about a week after you open them.


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