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Dark Pact PNP

2nd mini-expansion for Metempsychosis: Abyss of Horrors solitaire card game




...consisting of 6 new cards (plus 1 updated two-sided card), making the game more complex, tactical and longer.

For experienced Metempsychosis players only!

You get print and play PDF files both in A4 and LETTER format, both for 1sided and 2sided print, of your choice.

You begged God for mercy. But what have you achieved?! The “redemption” He provided is another slavery at best. Now you know, there is nothing like redemption... You have to become even stronger than Him! You have to become a mage, an almighty one, a god yourself, to attain and keep any real state of peace and bliss.

In order to obtain godlike powers, you’ve made a pact with the Deepest Ones. And the most epic and tough part of your soul’s journey begins: To be raised high through rituals older than the Earth itself or to be drawn into the unimaginably deep depths of the abyss, where They wait patiently, watching your steps.

Incorporating this expansion into your Metempsychosis game makes you a Soul Mage, unlocking possibilities to use powers of the Deepest Ones through 6 new “Ritual” cards – a new type of card with new rules + one new overall rule: Now you have to build not only 2, but 3 full sequences of cosmic tones to achieve the victory – as you strive for nothing less than the god level.


Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date October 15, 2021
Edition First
Department Games
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More Info Dark Pact PNP web site

Why buy this?

  • Making the base game more epic, complex, and tactical
  • Incorporates Lovecraftian elements into the game
  • It's free!


  • This game does not come in a box.


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