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Downtown Aircraft cards logo

Downtown Aircraft cards

53 Aircraft Data cards for GMT's Downtown




Data cards for the aircraft found in the game Downtown by GMT. Useless without ownership of the game. The game is currently out of print: GMT Games - Downtown

All data on the aircraft cards are copyrighted GMT Games. Back Cover images USAF public domain.

This product is provided "as is". The cards were vetted thoroughly but some mistakes do happen occasionally. No replacement parts are provided in case typographical errors might appear in the data.


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Average Rating 11 reviews
Publish Date February 03, 2020
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}

Why buy this?

  • Easier access to selective aircraft data
  • Colorful and readable format adds appeal to your games
  • Contains the 7 additional aircraft provided in C3i #17


  • This game does not come in a box.


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