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Fighting Checkers

Major upgrade to Checkers and International Draughts.




Fighting Checkers is a major upgrade to checkers and International Draughts. Its rules are free of the constraint in regular checkers and International Draughts. We use cubes for the "checkers" and stars for "crowns."

A checker (or cube) may move one space forward in either diagonal direction or vertically forward. This counts as a move. A checker may also do a vacant hop in any of these three directions hopping over an empty square. This also counts as a move.

A checker may jump pieces as well in a "multi-jump." A jump over a friendly piece will cause no harm to come to your friendly piece. However, a jump over an opposing piece will cause that opposing piece to be immediately removed from the game. It is permissible in this game to engage in a multi-jump by letting go of your multi-jumping piece, removing the opposing piece, and grabbing your multi-jumping piece again to continue with the multi-jump. A multi-jump ends when a multi-jumping piece reaches its ninth or tenth rank when there isn't enough board left to make another jump. It also must end if there isn't any pieces left to jump over in the three forward directions for the multi-jumping piece. A multi-jump can also end voluntarily by the player deciding to end it even though more jumping may be possible. Performing a multi-jump counts as a move.

When a checker reaches the tenth rank, it promotes to a "crown," which is the star shaped piece. The crown has access to all eight directions on the board in which to move one space, perform a vacant jump, or perform a multi-jump.

The game begins with all 40 cubes situated on the board filling the four ranks closest to each player. The player to start the game has the White pieces. White must move one piece for the first turn. After that, each player must move one piece and has the option to move a second piece that is different from the first piece moved in that turn.

These are the rules of Fighting Checkers. But, some other games can be played with the equipment provided if you have a chess set and two extra pawns of White and Black. These other games that I invented will be discussed in a downloadable PDF file available after purchase. The names of these other games are Fighting Chess (which is played with a standard chess set) and Hybrid (played on the 10x10 board provided with the standard chess set of pieces along with the two extra pawns of each color and some of the pieces of Fighting Checkers).

Fighting Chess is my improvement to regular chess to bring down the number of draws. Hybrid is a blended game using the Fighting Chess pieces and Fighting Checker pieces (regular chess pieces and regular checker pieces are too weak to make the game of Hybrid work).

I have a video of me demonstrating the game on youtube at the address:

Here is a video of me showing the notation of Fighting Checkers:


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date August 06, 2019
Edition First
Department Games
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More Info Fighting Checkers web site

Why buy this?

  • Regular Checkers get three directions of movement.
  • A checker or crown can now do a vacant hop!!
  • Must move one checker and may move a second one each turn.


  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.
  • This game contains laser cut components. Laser cut items will have a slight amount of soot around the edges, which can easily be wiped off; and will have a campfire smell for about a week after you open them.


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