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Gamergate the Card Game

Gamergate the Card Game commemorates THE defining culture war of this generation, by taking the piss




Gamergate the Card Game commemorates THE defining culture war of this generation – by taking the piss out of all sides.

Comics fans had Frederic Wertham.
Tabletop gamers had Pat Pulling.
Computer games previously had Jack Thompson.
Now all we have to contend with are upper middle class people with blue hair, buckling under crippling white guilt… fighting trolls.

A two player adversarial game, you’ll compete with the Social Justice Warriors trying to get away with egregious breaches of ethics before Gamergate can create enough of a fuss and social pressure to expose them, all the while flaming each other on Twitter, screaming for attention and being trolled hard.


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Average Rating 5 reviews
Publish Date December 16, 2014
Edition First
Department Games
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More Info Gamergate the Card Game web site

Why buy this?

  • Current events make for giggles.
  • Stark icon-based design.
  • Short or long, play for 3,5,7 or 9 points.

Postmortem Studios

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