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Head Scratcherz Studentz 12 up logo

Head Scratcherz Studentz 12 up

For teachers of students age 12+




47 head-scratching questions!

HEAD SCRATCHERZ® is a suite of card decks that offer 47 thought-provoking questions designed to challenge your mind and stretch your imagination—while spurring a deep, fun and friendly discussion with two or more people.

HEAD SCRATCHERZ Studentz 12+ is for teachers of kids ages 12 and older who want to teach critical thinking skills and stimulate the creativity of their students—while having fun! Pre-teens and teens will enjoy discussing everything from technology and inventions to the future and hypotheticals. Questions in this collection vary in complexity to offer a range of challenges for this age group.

Assemble your students! They’re about to have a ton of fun answering questions that encourage them to think about the world around them in exciting new ways, such as:

  • Which notable moment in history had the greatest impact on society today?

  • How do humans differ from other living beings?

  • Which method of communication do you think has the greatest power to influence large numbers of people: TV, social media, online videos, in-person speeches or something else?

  • Considering the evolutionary progress of humans—we harnessed fire, learned agriculture, formed civilizations and created technology—what is the next positive stage of humankind?

  • What are the benefits or downsides of machines with artificial intelligence?

TO PLAY: Select a HEAD SCRATCHERZ question card, read it aloud, give all players an opportunity to answer—then discuss!

Enjoy HEAD SCRATCHERZ Studentz 12+ with your students in the classroom, during after-school activities or on long bus rides on field days!

Try our other decks, too!

Try other HEAD SCRATCHERZ decks, including Original, Datez, Expertz, Familiez and Partiez.

Have a restaurant, bar or pub? There are decks for you, too!

Learn more about all the HEAD SCRATCHERZ decks available here!

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  • Follow HEAD SCRATCHERZ on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter to get FREE bonus head-scratching questions!


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date November 24, 2017
Edition First
Department Games
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More Info Head Scratcherz Studentz 12 up web site

Why buy this?

  • Takes conversations beyond ordinary chit-chat!
  • Gives you questions that challenge your mind!
  • Teaches students critical thinking skills!

Head Scratcherz Games

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