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Heroes of Estaria (Full Version)

Heroes of Estaria: A Fantasy Roleplaying Game for Tabletop Gamers of just about any skill level.




(The Full Version contains everything.)

Heroes of Estaria is a fantasy roleplaying game aimed at tabletop gamers of any skill level. This game uses unique mechanics that focus on fun, flavor, and most importantly, creativity. Boasting 40 character classes, a primary/subclass system, 200 unique traits, dangerous D6 combat, and even an NPC/Enemy creation kit; there’s a lot this game can offer you.

Kickstarter Funded, Stretch Goals included! Heroes of Estaria Kickstarter


  • 40 Powerful Hero Classes: Astrologists, Engineers, Ninjas, and more.
  • Primary/Subclass System
  • 200 Traits, and 18 Feats to Rank Up
  • Dynamic D6-based Combat System: Prepare for some wild combat, where just a few dice rolls can shift the tide of battle.
  • Localized Wounds
  • Colorful Status Effects
  • Crafting System: Simple, fun, and robust. Brew potions, craft bullets & arrows, or build gadgets.
  • Monster Creation Walkthrough
  • NPC & Treasure Generators
  • Unique Items & Keepsakes: Cherry Bombs, Voodoo Dolls, Icicle Stix, Stardust Flasks, Mechanical Fireflies, and so on.
  • 25 Diverse Weapons: Swords, Hammers, Axes, Bows, Guns, Staves, Orbs, Shrunken Heads, Battle Wrenches, Bladed Guitars, etc.
  • Mini-Sample Campaign
  • Game Master Tools: Role-playing Tips, Campaign Creator, Loyalty System, Bonus Tokens, Descent to Madness System, and so much more.


The Full Version contains all of the above.

Heroes of Estaria is played like a traditional roleplaying game; Pencil, paper, and dice. You'll have one person lead the game narrative (the Game Master, or GM), while the others (Hero Players) create, control, and roleplay out their Heroes. For optimal gameplay, we suggest the following:

Play with 3-6 Players (1 GM and 2-5 Heroes.) Have at least 1 person (ideally the Game Master) thoroughly read all of the books and learn the system well. Once learned, it's very easy to teach. Play at a large table with plenty of room. If you bought the full version, setting out the tokens into reachable stacks can help a lot. Finally, bookmark important sections.

Be prepared to read, as this game is packed with up to 190 pages of content!



High Fantasy with a dash of Apocalypse and Steampunk.

Heroes of Estaria takes place in an alternate universe, where Earth has fused with a nearby planet: The Magical Planet of Abyssia. This event is known as The Fusion, and only an intense, unfathomable magic could make such a event possible.

Possible does not mean safe, however. The Fusion brought foreign magic, evil, ecosystems, and elements into the land. Furthermore, it flooded certain areas of the planet with radiation. Now, hellish creatures and feral mutants roam the land, while safe food and water are scarce.


Neon, Mother of the Wasteland Children, Leader of the Fusion Born, and Caretaker of the Feral.

This event took place during the mid 1700's, right before the Industrial Revolution; Forever changing Earth's take on technology. Now, 300 some years later, technology has taken on an early clockwork styled route, with a hint of modern to advanced Steampunk.

Since the 1700's, some generations of humans underwent rapid mutation; An odd effect of magic amplifying radiation. Dwarves, Elves, Goblins, and a few other races are the byproducts of this effect. Therefore, the ancestry of many traditional races can be traced back to humans.


The 12 playable races in Heroes of Estaria.


The world of Estaria is a colorful place that's brimming with magic.

The elemental stack system adds tons of flavor to combat, as well as a rock, paper, scissors aspect. Enemies are typically immune to 2-3 status effects, so you won't always be able to rely on the same 1 element.


Acid, Fire, Lightning, Ice, Earth, Water, Wind, Trauma (Blood & Force), Light, Darkness, and Poison; These elements can be used to quickly gain the advantage in combat. Each element is associated with one of the following status effects: Dissolve, Burning, Stun, Frost, Slow, Knockback, Blind, and Poison. Status effects gain cumulative stacks, and with enough stacks, become fatal.


With a D6 system, critical hits/successes and critical misses/failures happen much more often (as one might expect from dangerous, real life combat.) Since combat can shift back and forth so fluidly, this design can keep you engaged and on the edge of your seat.

A few bad roles won't outright kill you, but it'll definitely put you on the defensive real quick. You might be dodging firebolts all combat, then suddenly find yourself ablaze as you critically failed your Agility test against one. Fortunately, most status effects like 'Burning' incur damage at the end of your following turn, so you'll have fair amount of time to react.

On the flipside, you might have a combat where you're an outright superstar, critically hitting creatures left and right. The satisfaction we've seen players have critically hitting roughly 16% of the time has been an absolute blast.

(Naturally, characters will be able to invest in unique ways to modify certain dice rolls.)


The Watchers of the Desert Nightfire see you.


Heroes of Estaria contains loads of content. For more information about the game, feel free to visit these 3 places:

Kickstarter Page: Heroes of Estaria: A Fantasy Tabletop RPG

Game Website:

Facebook: Facebook


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Average Rating 4 reviews
Publish Date September 12, 2018
Edition First
Department Games
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Why buy this?

"Heroes of Estaria is a fantastic tabletop roleplaying game that gives players endless choices on how to build and play their characters!" - Preston Skinner, Former owner of The Fort

  • D6-Based Combat - Action Oriented
  • 40 Classes - Primary/Subclass System
  • Creativity - Create Stories, Characters, Monsters, and more!

Silentcandle Games

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  • This game contains laser cut components. Laser cut items will have a slight amount of soot around the edges, which can easily be wiped off; and will have a campfire smell for about a week after you open them.


See It In Action

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