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Hineni meditation dice logo

Hineni meditation dice

The burning bush on three sides, Hineni (Here I am) on the other three sides.




Hineni - Here I am

Hebrew is filled with words that don't translate simply into English. Hineni is one of those words. Saying "Hineni" doesn't simply mean, “I’m here” the way a student responds to a teacher at roll call. Hineni means, “I am here for you fully, with the trust and vulnerability to do whatever it is you ask of me."

This is how Abraham answers God's call in Genesis 22:1, how Israel responds to God's call in Genesis 46:2, and how Moses respond's to God's call in Exodus 3:4.

The safety to be vulnerable is an important part of any relationship. How you show up matters, both to you and the others with which you are in a relationship.

Whether your relationship is with your God or with another person, carry this die with you as a reminder to be fully present with trust and vulnerability, ready do do whatever is asked.

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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date August 24, 2022
Edition First
Department Self Improvement
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Why buy this?

  • A dice containing the conversation in Exodus 3:4
  • Carry as a reminder of your relationship with your Creator
  • Swag for your tallis bag


  • This game does not come in a box.


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