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6x20 cards to revisit all classical games




A K6T deck consists in 120 cards.

There are 6 suits of 20 cards. All suits have a different color. Clubs are green and Diamonds are orange. The new suits are blue Moons and purple Stars. The Moons are footed as the Clubs and the Spades. The Stars have a sharp bottom as the Diamonds and the Hearts. In every suit, pips go from 1 to 12. So, 11 and 12 are added. There is a 0 too. 0's are also Jokers. In K6T, there are both 1's and Aces. 1 is worth less than 2, Ace is the strongest card of the suit. There is 6 different courts in every suit. They use the 6 Chess figures ordered according to their strength. The Jack is the lowest, it is represented by a pawn. Then there are the Cavalier (or Knight), the Bishop, the Tower (or Rook), the Queen and the King. A full suit is then made of 20 cards: 0-1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12-J-C-B-T-Q-K-A

With K6T deck you can play original card games or invent your own ones.

The quality is professional with linen texture and UV coating.

Check out for the full K6T family, all with the same symmetrical back:

K6T: this is the standard deck, 120 cards. The Courts are chess symbols

K6T-13-18: 36 cards, complement deck with additional ranks

K6T Faces-Courts only: 36 cards, complement deck with portrait cards as alternate courts

K6T-Fr: 120 cards, full deck with Courts as chess symbols but with French lettering

K6T-Dozenal: 90 cards, special edition for the Dozenal societies (from Ten to Twenty-four)

K6T-Box: a nice professional tuck bock that may contain your K6T deck

K6T-infinity is a deck of 240 cards. It is the full collection of K6T cards, the rank extension up to 24, both symbol and portrait courts, a special infinity card, an half-point card, all of these for the 6 coloured suits!


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Average Rating 5 reviews
Publish Date April 15, 2016
Edition First
Department Playing Cards
Tags {{}}
More Info K6T web site

Why buy this?

  • Hearts/Spades/Diamonds/Club and Stars and Moons, 6 colours
  • 20 cards per suit, with 6 courts, chess-inspired
  • Classical style, play all games or renew them


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  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.
  • This game contains a premium upgrade where the printed components will be embossed with a linen texture.
  • This game does not come in a box.


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