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Lakefront logo
The designer has designated this game as 'not for sale' at the present time.


Run your own lakeside real estate agency




In LAKEFRONT, you'll get the chance to manage your own real estate agency! During setup, you'll build a unique, 3D lakeside town full of charming properties. The value of each property will depend on its placement--does it have a view? Is it near a park? How much lake frontage does it have? Remember, it's all about location, location, location!


There are 2 phases to each round:

WORK PHASE: Send your agents out cruising scenic dirt roads looking for prime listings...


...OR networking to represent buyers looking for a vacation home. Whenever you list a property, you earn its listing bonus according to its features! f28e2d_5d72dfb617a8485a98fc76e0ca2a6341~mv2.gif

DEAL PHASE: As properties go on the market, the bidding wars begin! How thorough an inspection will your buyers risk to own the property of their dreams? Whenever you help a buyer make a purchase, you earn their unique closing bonus! f28e2d_21b7ea72ca9b429f805ea30ffc88860f~mv2.gif

When the dust on the dirt roads settles, will your agency have earned the most commissions to win the game?

Special thanks to for all the amazing icons they provided that made this game possible! Color changes made as necessary. Various Artists,


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Average Rating 2 reviews
Publish Date September 18, 2021
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}

Why buy this?

  • Build a unique town each game using the box as mountains!
  • Deploy your agents to gain listings buyers!
  • Negotiate bidding wars over hot properties!


  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.
  • This game contains laser cut components. Laser cut items will have a slight amount of soot around the edges, which can easily be wiped off; and will have a campfire smell for about a week after you open them.


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