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Manifesting Miracles

This is a card deck blending Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and the Laws of Attraction.




This deck of cards uses the concept that everything is composed of energy. Each card asks a question. Consider the idea that we live in an ask and receive universe. When drawing a daily card, shut off your rational mind. The cards are not necessarily for you to answer the question, but to gather the energy of it, and acknowledge what shows up in your day and in your life. This deck is designed to redirect and raise the vibration of your thoughts, your energy and pull you out of limitation. Stop living in conclusion! Ask the question and begin manifesting your miracles today.


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Average Rating 1 reviews
Publish Date October 24, 2019
Edition First
Department Self Improvement
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  • Beautiful Design!
  • Powerful Manifestation Tools for Creating Your Dreams!
  • It's Got to Be Magic!

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