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For less than the price of 1/2 hour of tutoring, your child can master all their basic math skills...and enjoy it way more.

Mathino is the ultimate math card game. Using math operations, capture the cards on the table with the cards from your hand. Players can change the values of the cards on the table on their turn, but watch out, someone else can change it to something that will let them capture that stack by the end of the round.

Mathino lets anyone sharpen their mental process by looking ahead a few moves to capture cards. It's a perfect math tutor and can be played by nearly anyone.

Operations used in the game can be determined based on player age and skill level and include:

-Matching shapes and colors, counting for the very young -Addition -Subtraction -Multiplication -Division -Squaring and Cubing -Square and Cube Rooting -Sum of the Digits

The game will literally low-level burn these skills into your mind in a fun and engaging way that lets players have a blast while they learn. It doesn't feel like you're learning when you're having this much fun. Read the creator's story on the Mathino website.

Playable by 2, 3, 4, or 6 players, age 4-99

Check the website for videos of the game in action and watch how easy it is to play and why we think you'll agree this is the ultimate card game that ought to be in every home and school.

"After playing Mathino it is obvious that it is more than a mindless card game. It is an enjoyable, and a mind stretching activity. As a math teacher I see great value in the learning processes involved in playing. My 6th grade daughter sees it as a fun game that challenges all of us when we play. We enjoy it as a family game and keep it in our game closet. It isn’t school, it is a good time when we happen to learn and practice math at the same time." -Wayne S., American Fork, Utah, Jr. High Math Teacher

"It makes the challenges of math fun. It is exciting learning new things while beating my math teacher Dad. It’s like a fun puzzle where I have to put the numbers together in ways that equal new things." -Melissa S.

"My two college boys love Mathino. The innumerable ways of manipulating numbers combined with its unpredictability engages the mind, but keeps you guessing as to who will win! My high school daughter likes it better than Krypto. I believe it builds strategy skills, and number sense in an engaging way. The more a person juggles numbers, the better they become at math. Our family really enjoys Mathino. I just wish it had been available when they were younger." -David C, Lehi, Utah, 5th Grade Elementary School Teacher

"I like Mathino because there is more than one way to capture a card. If someone spoils your strategy of capturing a certain card, you can still come up with other ways to capture it. You have to strategize and be creative, so Mathino makes you use skills other than math, which makes it a lot more fun than normal math practice." -Savanna N., 9th Grader

"I Loved mathino! It was awesome! it was fun when you could ruin someone else's plans and get yours with so many! It was a blast! I loved the almost intenseness hoping no one would foil your plans! I like having to actually think of what you can do, using the “operations” of math! Adding, multiplying, sum of the digits, using integers and negatives, Divinding! and almost anything! I think anyone would love this game! try it, buy it, LOVE IT!" -Aspen N., 6th Grader

"The best part of Mathino I like is that I usually win." -Willow N., 4th Grader

Designed by Marsh Kaminsky Produced by Oak Norton


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date October 23, 2009
Edition 1st
Department Games
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