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The game of exponents




Can you do exponents?

Everyone can figure out what 2 squared is, and just about everyone can figure out what 9 cubed. But can you figure out what 73 to the power of 6 is? Better yet, can you do it in less than 90 seconds?

Welcome to the game of Octables. It's a game of exponents. Sometimes, it's easy—but sometimes, not quite so much.

That's especially when the exponent equations are randomly constructed. Regardless, you have only 90 seconds to figure it out. If you do, you claim the space. If not, you don't.

All you have to do is take up one entire outer side of the board and you win...but watch out for those pesky titular monsters that will clear the board of your color octagons.

It's exponential fun with Octables, the game of exponents.


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date November 22, 2017
Edition First
Department Games
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Why buy this?

  • Figure out the exponent equations!
  • Watch out for those monsters!
  • Take up a side to win!


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