This deck, hosted by Ocean Wise and the Vancouver Aquarium, and created by students from Sentinel High School, is a STARTER deck that also includes a new mechanic regarding water depth. It includes a variety of organisms that are locally relevant to marine habitats in British Columbia, as well as species found in the Vancouver Aquarium space. Note the game has been play tested for kids 7 and up.
Play the ecosystem game, collect the cards, and contribute to the project!
PHYLO is a project that began as a reaction to the following nugget of information: Kids know more about Pokemon creatures than they do about real creatures.
PHYLO is also: (1) a card game that makes use of the wonderful, complex, and inspiring things that inform the notion of biodiversity; (2) an exercise in crowd sourcing, open access, and open game development; and (3) FREAKIN’ AWESOME!
Component | Quantity | Photo |
{{}} | {{item.quantity}} |
Average Rating | 0 reviews |
Publish Date | February 08, 2019 |
Edition | First |
Department | Games |
Tags | {{}} |
More Info | PHYLO TCG: Ocean Wise West Coast Marine Biology Starter Deck web site |