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A boreal version of the PHYLO biodiversity card game




PhyloBoreal is an ecosystem card game about the boreal forest. Players use their cards to build and cause disturbances to a communal food web. The winner is the player who gains the most species points by creating a stable and diverse food web.

PhyloBoreal is a customized version of a card game called Phylo developed at the University of British Columbia. PhyloBoreal was designed by yours truly, Elly and Jonathan, because we think the boreal forest is a landscape of incredible beauty, importance, and diversity. We hope you will too!

Read more about the Phylo project at PHYLO: THE TRADING CARD GAME []

The price of this game covers only the cost required to produce each deck—no profit is made. Please consider donating, or at least signing the petition at Boreal Birds Need Half [] to help protect the boreal forest!

A slightly higher-quality deck is available for purchase here:
PhyloBoreal 2016 []


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Average Rating 2 reviews
Publish Date December 14, 2016
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}
More Info PhyloBoreal web site

Why buy this?

A great educational idea, executed with whimsy and wit.

  • Crowdsourced design by gamers, scientists, and artists.
  • Customised stand-alone deck highlighting boreal ecosystem
  • Revenue-neutral pricing

JMDR's Games

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