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A game about growing adorable plant-cats.




Phytocats is a card game where players nurture and hatch eggs into adorable cat-plant hybrids. Depending how the player cares for their eggs, they will hatch into different breeds of Phytocat. These creatures assist their owners and hinder their rivals. And they’re really, really cute.

Phytocats focuses on interactive, but not destructive, gameplay. Each player’s decisions are constantly influenced by the players around them, and a “first to achieve” system encourages players to diversify their strategies. This leads to rich, dynamic play where each player is striving to succeed using a wide variety of Phytocats.

While some game elements allow players to interfere with another player’s strategy, a player’s accomplishments cannot be taken away from them. The majority of play elements involve positive, helpful interactions. Phytocats is a card game about sharing experiences, having fun, and adorable creatures.

Phytocats is looking for a publisher! If you are interested please contact!


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Average Rating 4 reviews
Publish Date September 06, 2012
Edition First
Department Games
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Why buy this?

  • Very cute!
  • Fast pace keeps players constantly involved!
  • Lots of positive player interactions!

More Than Cardboard

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