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Shake Out!

Fast-paced dice rolling set collection!




In Shake Out! you will be competing against the other players by rolling dice, making combinations and staking claims on cards worth valuable points.
Players take turns rolling their set of dice up to three times to form combinations that match cards on the table. By matching the combination on a card, you can stake a claim on it, but lookout because a better roll could bump you off. Each card is worth points but you can also score big by collecting matching sets.

The next time you want to have a great time rolling dice or a fun
fast filler during a marathon gaming session, break out the Shake Out!

What's the buzz?

"Simple family dice game that is much more fun and strategic than the standard Yahtzee fare. " The Gaming Gang.

"it’s really easy to pick up – but the scoring system is complex enough to allow for some interesting strategies to evolve."

"almost the most fun you can have with your clothes on!" Polyhedral Fury

"The end result is a fantastic game I eagerly look forward to playing and have enjoyed again and again. Do check this game out if it sounds right for you!" Father Geek

"...this game is allot of fun and it can be taught to somebody in two minutes." The Gamer's Table


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Average Rating 15 reviews
Publish Date December 09, 2011
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}

Why buy this?

  • Fast and easy. Usually plays in less than 40 min.
  • Block your friends or steal their claim!
  • Score big with great rolls or matching sets!

Louis-Nicolas Dozois

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