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Snow Ball King

A Snowball fight & King of the Mountian all rolled into one game. Use Strategy and Resources!




Up to 6 players can fight their way up "Mt. Snowball," in this hilarious quest, to be, "King of the Mountain!" LOOK OUT.... "AVALANCHE!

Beat your friends to the top, while being pellted with snowballs as your pals try to prevent your ascent to the top! Players constantly jocky for position as they knock each other lower by tossing snowballs or forcing them off the narrow ledges when passing them! Snow Forts offer refuge, while loose snow pack will cause unexpected falls. Strategy and resource managment will help you get to the top!

Filled with humorous graphics, this mountain climbing "free for all" will have everyone in stitches as climbers conspire to get to the top by whatever means is available. You have limited recources, so use them to your greatest advantage. Whatever it takes for you to advance while slowing the competition!

Please give it a try!! No profit added to this games cost! This is as low as the price can go!

A great game for gatherings when friends and family are visiting. Easy to learn, fun to win & fun to lose!

Larry for your reference.

The Snowball King board game has been a tremendous hit at our home since its purchase a few weeks ago. I have 9 year old daughter and 13 year old son that spend hour after hour trying to "one up" each other as they climb the mountain. Excellent game for all ages. Adults find the game to be well designed and challenges their strategic thinking as they try to win the game. Definitely a game that I would recommend this winter season for all ages.



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Average Rating 2 reviews
Publish Date October 09, 2015
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}
More Info Snow Ball King web site

Why buy this?

  • Snow Forts protect climbers from snowball attacks.
  • Throw snowballs or pass players to knock them off the cliffs
  • Use the Ice maze shortcut. Create a mountian avalanche!


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