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Simple & strategic: arrange the best fireworks display!




Simple Elegance Contest - Finalist

"Sumidagawa’s bidding mechanism is truly simple elegance ... a beautiful game."

(Maxine Ekl, Judge of TheGameCrafter's Simple Elegance contest)

Sumidagawa is a strategic bidding game for 3-6 players, based on the oldest fireworks festival in Japan.

Players compete to buy the best fireworks they can, creating a brilliant visual display, to win the most valuable awards at the inaugural Sumidagawa competition.

"Really fun and engaging"
"Really liked the game - was easy and clear to follow"
"Very easy to pick up ... the art is very nice"

(Various playtesters at the UK Games Expo 2019)


This game contains 44 unique, beautifully illustrated fireworks cards, using artwork originally used in catalogues from the Hirayama Fire Works Company in Japan in the 1800s.


Each turn during the bidding phase, players have a simple decision to make: place a single counter at any one firework. However, beneath this lies a surprising depth of strategy.

Should you go for the firework you need to complete a low value award? Or should you risk going for a more valuable award? Perhaps you could bid to squeeze out another player, or make something more expensive for another?

Each decision presents tough choices, and victory can only be claimed by those who carefully optimise their path - and their finances.



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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date October 29, 2019
Edition First
Department Games
Tags {{}}

Why buy this?

  • Simple, yet complex, bidding mechanic
  • 44 unique fireworks with authentic 1800s Hirayama artwork
  • Quick to learn, and play, but surprisingly strategic depth


  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.
  • This game contains a premium upgrade where the printed components will be embossed with a linen texture.


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