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The Creature

Trust no one...




THEME: You and your friends are researchers working at an undisclosed facility operated and owned by the shadowy pharmaceutical company PharmaDyn. There you and your fellow lab workers have been tasked with studying a parasitic alien organism found frozen deep in the Arctic ice. To everyone's horror, the specimen turns up missing and anyone could be the infectious Creature's host! As a Human, try to reveal the Creature's identity before it infects everyone and escapes the quarantine.

GOAL: The Humans, represented by the Immune, must identify and eliminate the Creature before the Creature and his Infected outnumber them.

GAMEPLAY: The game is meant to be played over a weeks time, or roughly one day for every one person playing the game.

On the first day each person is dealt an Identity card from the deck, two of which must be the Creature and the Immune. The person who draws the Immune must immediately reveal their Identity to the group, whereas everyone else keeps their Identity a secret.

Once the Identities have been established, and the Immune has revealed themselves to the group, the game officially begins. At this point everyone is free to go about their business. Now the Creature begins his mission. Once a day, including the first, the Creature may approach one of the other players, shake their hand, and state "You have been Infected" to convert them to the Creature's side. The Creature may only do this once per day, but doing so will increase their numbers, and ultimately bring the Infected closer to victory.

On each day following the first, the group will get back together for a few moments to discuss what has happened since they last met. After everyone has had an opportunity to speak, they will collectively vote on who they think the Creature is. The person with the most votes against them must reveal their Identity and are eliminated from the game. The Creature and any of his Infected are still part of the voting process, because as far as anyone else knows they are Human.

The Humans win if the can eliminate the Creature during the vote. If the Immune is eliminated however, the Creature and his Infected are victorious.

FINAL: The Creature should be played with at least 8 people, and playing with more people is almost always a better experience. The game includes other unique Identities, in addition to the Immune and Creature, that may be added to the game for more fun and chaos.


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Average Rating 0 reviews
Publish Date February 24, 2013
Edition Patient Zero
Department Games
Tags {{}}
More Info The Creature web site

Why buy this?

  • A social game that can be played at work and school!
  • Comes in a small box you can easily take anywhere.
  • Fun way to make new friends!

Uncharted Interactive

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