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The Deck of Silly Things - Vol 01 logo

The Deck of Silly Things - Vol 01

The Deck of Silly Things contains 50 whimsical items for use with Dungeons & Dragons 5e!




Hello Travelers!

Welcome to my humble shop! I'm the Ridiculous Blacksmith, at your service! I make silly items and adventures for Dungeons and Dragons fifth edition, and I wouldn't have it any other way!

Here you can purchase The Deck of Silly Things, which includes 50 items for use with Dungeons & Dragons 5e! This is not a standalone game, but rather an unofficial supplement to my favorite hobby.

Print your own copy for FREE! On my website ( you can find free printable versions of these cards. Why? I am of the opinion that silliness should not be withheld from any person, enjoy!

However, if you don't have the time to print your own deck you can purchase one here from The Game Crafter! There is a decent markup on the cards, however profits go to running and maintaining my website, as well as funding future projects!

This project was originally funded on Kickstarter thanks to 718 AMAZING backers, to see the whole journey, click here.

Enjoy and stay silly!

Sincerely, BJ Hypes The Ridiculous Blacksmith


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Average Rating 4 reviews
Publish Date March 09, 2019
Edition First
Department Game Upgrades
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More Info The Deck of Silly Things - Vol 01 web site

Why buy this?

  • Basket of Endless Breadsticks
  • Seal of Approval
  • Comb of Beardmancy


  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.
  • This game contains a premium upgrade where the printed components will be embossed with a linen texture.


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