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Tower Capture

Can you combine luck and skill to capture your opponent's tower?




A roll of the dice determines where you can move, but you need skill to make the right moves to capture your opponent's tower.

Each player has 10 pawns that they must move across the board to capture their opponent's tower. Two dice, a colored one and a black and white one, are rolled to determine how a player can move a pawn.

The three colors on the colored die match the colored triangles surrounding each hexagonal space, with the roll indicating which color must be moved through onto a space matching the black and white die roll.

As a player moves their pawns across the board to reach their opponent's tower, they can eliminate opponent pawns while attempting to prevent their own pawns from being taken.

But with the result of a single roll of the dice, a strategy can be dismantled, turning an offensive plan into a defensive one.


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Average Rating 1 reviews
Publish Date April 04, 2023
Edition First
Department Games
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Why buy this?

If “Chess” had a fun and more light-hearted little cousin, this game would be it.

  • It seems simple, but you will need more than luck to win!
  • A roll of two dice determines where you can move.
  • Your cunning determines how you move.

AgentQ Entertainment

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