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Walden, a game EDU: Survival Cards logo

Walden, a game EDU: Survival Cards

Card deck for Walden, a game EDU curriculum (Self-Reliance module).




This simple card game is an exercise for the Walden, a game EDU "Self-Reliance" module found here: Info Self-Reliance — Walden, a game

In this simple warm-up activity, students pretend they are packing to go live in the woods for a short trip. What do you bring with you? What items provide for your basic survival needs? Which ones provide for your psychological needs and more?

In groups, students will choose three items that they "definitely will" take with them to the woods, and also sort the rest of the items into groups of things you "might" need, and those that you "definitely won't" need.

Once the groups have made their choices, students will share and discuss their reasons for choosing the items they have decided they will "definitley need."

At the end of the exercise, students will be able to rank items based on importance to their survival, physically, and for their psychological well-being.


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Average Rating 1 reviews
Publish Date December 01, 2022
Edition First
Department Games
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More Info Walden, a game EDU: Survival Cards web site

Why buy this?

  • Short exercise integrated with Walden EDU curriculum
  • Discussion about what we need to survive in the woods
  • Illuminates Thoreau's concepts about "necessaries of life"

Game Innovation Lab

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  • This game contains a premium upgrade called UV Coating that makes the printed components more durable.
  • This game does not come in a box.


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