The demand for fresh sushi has led to worldwide seafood shortages and strict new fishing regulations: only spearfishing and gathering. Become one of these new hunters, an ama, selling the freshest seafood to the nation with the greatest demand, Japan.
Neotraditional Ama is a solitaire game where your dives are controlled by your actual breath. Locate your kanji-based prey within the water. Match the current demand. The dive doesn't end until you reach the surface.
Using just the included cards and a small play space, Neotraditional Ama is perfect for travel, between larger games, or if you want to practice relaxed breathing. You'll even pick up some characters that'll help out the next time you visit a sushi restaurant.
Each turn, inhale deeply, and start exhaling as you flip through the dive deck to locate in-demand prey. Keep exhaling as you descend deeper to fill your bag, and when ready, return cards to the dive deck as you ascend. Reach the surface and you'll be able to sell your catch—if it matches what people want—but start inhaling underwater and only your reputation will live on.
Is this a matching game? Yes! Neotraditional Ama experimented with a number of interactions during dives, and we found matching to work the best within the constraint of constantly exhaling. The result challenges your ability to stay relaxed under mounting pressure, especially as you seek higher scores.
Can I vary the difficulty if diving is controlled by my breath? Yes! To make the game easier, you can show the seafood cards matching the current demand and put the rest aside. To make the game harder, you can hide all the seafood cards until after you've ascended. As you become better acquainted with the characters and comfortable relaxing during dives, you'll also be able to dive deeper and increase your score.
Component | Quantity | Photo |
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Average Rating | 3 reviews |
Publish Date | August 06, 2024 |
Edition | First |
Department | Games |
Tags | {{}} |
"…the most unique game we played."